CV | Full Name | Scientific Directorate | Lab | Email | Telephone |
| Akrivou Antigoni | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180328 |
| Alogaris Georgios | Administrative Directorate | Department of Informatics |  | 2108180253 |
| Ampadogiannis Georgios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180359 |
| Ampatzi Argyro | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180307 |
| Anagnos Efstathios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180365 |
| Anagnostopoulos Christos | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180364 |
| Anastasaki Eirini | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180372 |
| Anastasiadou Pelagia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180341 |
| Anestidou Olga | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180372 |
| Antonatos Spyros | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180354 |
| Arapaki Niki | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180349 |
| Augerinopoulou Kallirroi | | Department of Samples Services |  | +30 2108180235 +30 2108180256 |
| Baira Eirini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180392 +30 2108180319 |
| Balatsos Georgios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Insects & Parasites of Medical Importance |  | +30 2108180215 |
| Balayiannis George | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180316 |
| Barda Myrto | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180222 |
| Barmpouni Theodora | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180320 |
| Batistatou Stavroula | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180350 |
| Bempelou Eleftheria | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180363 |
| Beri Despoina | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180260 |
| Bisia Marina | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Insects & Parasites of Medical Importance |  | +30 2108180215 |
| Bournele Despina | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180346 |
| Boutsini Aikaterini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180326 |
| Chachalis Demosthenis | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Weed Science |  | +30 2108180200 |
| Chanopoulou Thaleia | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Charalampous Aggeliki | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180361 |
| Charistou Agathi | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180346 |
| Chartzala Kornilia-Anna | Directorate of Total Quality and Project Management | |  | +30 2108180220 |
| Christou Marietta | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180331 |
| Chrysochou Eirini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180318 |
| Dandika Konstantia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180344 |
| Dekanea Alexandra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180358 |
| Dervisi Eirini-Foteini | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180239 +30 2108180385 |
| Dimitrakopoulou Vasiliki | | |  | +30 2108180338 |
| Dimopoulou Anastasia | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180258 |
| Dimopoulou Danai | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Dimou Dimitrios | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
 | Doula Maria | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180321 |
| Dourou Dimitra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | |  | +30 2108180383 |
| Economou Leonidas | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180391 |
| Efstathiou Violeta | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180205 |
| Evangelou Vasiliki | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Fanarioti Androniki | Financial Directorate | Department of Budget, Accounting Monitoring and Procurement |  | +30 2108180241 |
| Fotopoulou Eleftheria | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180388 |
| Fountouli Theodosia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180331 |
| Galeou Angeliki-Vasiliki-Maria | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180251 |
| Gatos Panayiotis | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control Pesticides |  | +30 2108180347 |
| Georgopoulou Iro | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Giakoumaki Maria-Vasiliki | Entomology and Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180247 |
| Giatropoulos Athanasios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180309 |
| Glynos Paraskevas | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180239 |
| Hatzi Vasiliki | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180383 |
| Holeva Maria | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180259 |
| Iliopoulos Georgios | Financial Directorate | |  | +30 2108180301 |
| Ivros Vasileios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Nematology |  | +30 2108180257 |
| Kalogeropoulou Eleni | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180231 |
| Kandris Ioannis | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180326 |
| Kanellopoulos Panagiotis-Georgios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180314 |
| Kapaxidi Eleftheria | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Acarology & Agricultural Zoology |  | +30 2108180217 |
| Kaponi Maria | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180258 |
| Kapsalou Marina | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat - Personnel |  | +30 2108180310 |
| Karafla Charikleia | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180239 |
| Karamaouna Filitsa | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180332 |
| Karanasios Evangelos | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180348 |
| Karasali Eleni | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180314 |
| Karras Vasileios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180215 |
| Kasiotis Konstantinos | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180357 |
| Katsaboulas Anastasios | Internal Auditing Unit | |  | +30 2108180244 |
| Katsanou Efrosini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 +30 2108180312 |
| Katsavou Evangelia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides and Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180342 |
| Kavasilis Stamatios | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Kektsidou Oxana | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180251 +30 2108180252 |
| Kiousi Maroula | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180399 |
| Kitsiou Maria | Administrative Directorate | Library |  | +30 2108180207 |
| Kizis Dimosthenis | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180229 |
| Kokmotou Aikaterini | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180354 |
| Kolliopoulou Georgia | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180340 |
| Kolovos Chronis | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Kontes Konstantinos | Administrative Directorate | Department of Infrastructure Maintenance - Technical Service |  | +30 2108180224 |
 | Kontodimas Dimitrios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180221 |
| Kormpi Maria | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Nematology |  | +30 2108180257 |
| Kostakioti Eirini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180359 |
| Kostaras Stefanos | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Kotsaridis Konstantinos | Phytopathology | Virology |  | 2108180260 |
| Kotsarini Despoina | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat Support Pesticides' Control |  | +30 2108180339 |
| Kourkouni Evangeli | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180378 |
| Kritikos Christos | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180226 |
| Krokida Afroditi | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180382 |
| Kyriakopoulou Aikaterini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180353 |
| Laskari Vasileia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180383 |
| Latsou Konstantina-Maria | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180378 |
| Lavranou Georgia | Financial Directorate | Department of Programs' Financial Management and Payroll |  | +30 2108180242 |
| Loukoutou Christina | Financial Directorate | |  | +30 2108180236 |
| Loulakidis Ioannis | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180340 |
| Lykogianni Maria | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180343 |
| Lytra Ioanna | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
 | Machera Kyriaki | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180201 |
| Makri Apostolia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180355 |
| Malandraki Ioanna | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180251 |
| Malatou Panayiota | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180362 |
| Manea-Karga Electra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180320 +30 2108180319 |
| Margariti Thetis | Financial Directorate | Department of Budget, Accounting Monitoring and Procurement |  | +30 2108180243 |
| Margaritopoulou Theoni | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180229 |
| Markellou Emilia | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180329 |
| Markoyiannaki Dimitra | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180250 |
| Marousopoulou Anna | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180318 +30 2108180311 |
| Meintanis Marios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180376 |
 | Michaelakis Antonios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Insects & Parasites of Medical Importance |  | +30 2108180248 |
| Migardou Sofia | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180226 |
 | Milonas Panagiotis | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180216 |
| Mirmigkou Sofia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180355 |
| Moschou Ioulia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180209 |
| Mouselinou Georgia-Christina | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Mouzaki-Paxinou Akrivi-Chara | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180335 |
| Mylonas Philippos | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180304 |
| Nasiou Eleni | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180348 |
| Nestora Alexandra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 |
| Nestora Alexandra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 |
| Nigianni Georgia | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180259 |
| Nikolaou Polyxeni | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180250 |
| Nikolopoulou Dimitra | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180374 |
| Nikolopoulou Theodora | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180384 |
| Orfanos Stavros | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Panousakis Emmanouil | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat Support Pesticides' Control |  | +30 2108180336 |
| Pantazi Emilia | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat - Personnel |  | +30 2108180255 |
| Papachristos Dimitrios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180219 |
| Papadimitriou Georgios | Financial Directorate | |  | +30 2108180245 |
| Papadopoulou Anna-Evgenia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180358 |
| Papavierou Magdalini | Administrative Directorate | Department of Informatics |  | +30 2108180204 |
| Papoutsi-Grigorakaki Aikaterini | Directorate of Total Quality and Project Management | Department of Project Management |  | +30 2108180223 |
| Paraskevopoulou Anastasia | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180372 |
| Pardavella Iro | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180343 |
| Partsinevelos George | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180247 |
| Paspati Erifili | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat - Personnel |  | +30 2108180202 |
| Perivolaris Dimitrios | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180238 |
| Petraki Anastasia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180350 |
| Petraki Angeliki | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Weed Science |  | +30 2108180246 |
| Psarra Venetia | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180252 +30 2108180251 |
| Psarris Antonios | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Insects & Parasites of Medical Importance |  | +30 2108180215 |
| Psoma Aikaterini | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Biological Control |  | +30 2108180372 |
| Rampou Aggeliki | Plytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180225 |
| Repouskou Anastasia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180349 |
| Reppa Chrysavgi | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180239 |
| Rodi Kallirroi | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Chemical Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180323 |
| Romantza Antonia | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat-Personnel |  | +30 2108180210 |
| Roukounaki Elisabet | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Sakellariou Sofianou Maria | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Insects & Parasites of Medical Importance |  | +30 2108180215 |
| Samara Maria | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Efficacy Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180332 |
| Samari Nikolia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180359 |
| Sasli Christini | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180254 |
| Sfyra Oresteia | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180240 |
| Sitareniou Paraskevi | | Department of Samples Services |  | +30 2108180256 +30 2108180235 |
| Sklavounos Nikolaos-Panagiotis | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180231 |
| Souvlidis Vasileios | Administrative Directorate | Department of Informatics |  | +30 2108180253 |
| Spilioti Eliana | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 |
| Spyropoulou Anastasia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 |
| Stasinopoulou Panagiota | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180365 |
| Stavropoulou Anastasia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180352 |
| Termentzi Aikaterini | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180342 |
| Theofanopoulou Evgenia | Financial Directorate | |  | +30 2108180203 |
| Theologidis Ioannis | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180387 |
| Togias Athanasios | Phytopathology | Bacteriology |  | +30 2108180238 |
| Toufexi Savvina | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180382 |
| Triviza Maria-Frantzeska | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180229 |
| Troyanos Yerasimos | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180234 |
| Tselou Evangelia | Entomology and Agricultural Zoology | |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Tsinganos Andreas | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180365 |
| Tsirogiannis Dimitrios | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180228 |
| Tsitselis Gerasimos | Phytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Tsoutsa Eleni-Iro | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Agricultural Entomology |  | +30 2108180213 |
| Tzanetou Evangelia | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Toxicological Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180209 |
| Tzani Kalliopi | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180378 |
| Varveri Christina | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180227 |
| Vassilakos Nikon | Phytopathology | Virology |  | +30 2108180225 +30 2108180252 |
| Vichou Aikaterini-Eleni | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180229 |
| Vidali Nikolina | Pesticides' Control and Phytopathology | Weed Science |  | 21081803230 |
| Vlassi Anthi | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180327 |
| Vlotsos Dimitrios | Pesticides' Control and Phytopathology | Weed Science |  | 21081803230 |
| Vloutoglou Irene | Phytopathology | Mycology |  | +30 2108180231 |
| Vogiatzi Emmanouella | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Environmental Control of Pesticides |  | +30 2108180327 |
| Vynia Vasiliki | Financial Directorate | |  | +30 2108180241 |
| Xenaki Irene | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat-Personnel |  | +30 2108180206 |
| Zagklis Georgios | Plytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Zarnogeorgou Marianna | Plytopathology | Non Parasitic Diseases, Soil Resources and Geoinformatics |  | +30 2108180232 |
| Zimheris George | Administrative Directorate | Department of Secretariat Support Pesticides' Control |  | +30 2108180334 |
| Zonaras Vasileios | Pesticides' Control & Phytopharmacy | Pesticide Residues |  | +30 2108180381 |
| Zygouris George | Entomology & Agricultural Zoology | Nematology |  | +30 2108180257 |