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Benaki Phytopathological Institute (BPI) was founded according to 14-7/17/9/1930 Decree, ratifying the 1.7.1930 Donation Agreement between  the Minister of Agriculture and the heirs of Emmanouil Benakis. The confirmation of this Agreement was allowed by the 11.5.1929 Legislative Decree, that was confirmed by the Law 4160/1929. According to the Donation Agreement, BPI was founded as a Legal Entity of the Public Sector, and its inauguration was performed by Eleftherios Venizelos, the Prime Minister of Greece, on July 1st, 1931.
The first scientists of the Institute and also its first Directors were Konstantinos A. Isaakidis, Professor of Entomology, and Ioannis A. Sareyiannis, Professor of Phytopathology at Agricultural School of Athens (Agricultural University of Athens).

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Last update: 3/1/2025