Hellenic Plant Protection Journal

Since January 2008, Benaki Phytopathological Institute has been publishing the semi-annual scientific journal, the Hellenic Plant Protection Journal (HPPJ), formerly titled Annals of Benaki Phytopathological Institute (ISSN 1790-1480). The first issue was in 1935. Only original works related to plant protection, plant health and various environmental issues will be published in the HPPJ. These works can be in the following forms:
- Short communications (forerunner announcements, short research works, scientific observations that are adequately documented)
- New records (records of new diseases, enemies, hosts or weeds etc), theoretical studies (e.g. mathematical analysis)
- Review papers, after Editorial Board’s formal assignment.
This Journal is indexed by: AGRICOLA, CAB Abstracts-Plant Protection Database, INIST (Institute for Scientific and Technical Information) and SCOPUS.
Volume 18 (2025)
Issue 1 (January)
Volume 17 (2024)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 16 (2023)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 15 (2022)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 14 (2021)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 13 (2020)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 12 (2019)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 11 (2018)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 10 (2017)
Issue 1 (January)
Volume 8 (2015)
Issue 1 (January)

Issue 2 (July)

Special Issue

Volume 7 (2014)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)

Volume 6 (2013)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)


Volume 5 (2012)
Issue 1 (January)
Issue 2 (July)
Volume 4 (2011)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)


Volume 3 (2010)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)


Volume 2 (2009)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)


Volume 1 (2008)
Issue 1 (January)


Issue 2 (July)


Instructions to Authors and Manuscript Submission
Instructions to Reviewers
In evaluating the paper, please consider the following points (except for papers submitted as New Records, to which several of the points do not apply):
- The title should be short and accurate.
- The summary should state clearly and comprehensively the important points and findings.
- The introduction should contain only relevant background information and state the problem clearly.
- Materials and methods used and statistical treatment of data should be adequate.
- There should be a clear and accurate presentation of results in self-explanatory tables and figures of good quality.
- There should be new information derived from the work and conclusions justified by the results.
- There should be an appropriate treatment of relevant references.
- The whole paper should be well organized and of a balanced length in the various sections.