© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Uncertainty in pest risk analysis
On the contrary, computation is straightfor-
ward for models that are less complex and
less computationally intensive.
Output values can be presented in dif-
ferent ways. In general, it is not appropriate
to present all the computed model outputs
because the number of computed values is
generally very high (i.e. several thousands).
The recommended approach is to summa-
rize the output distributions by calculating
several key parameters such as mean, me-
dian, standard deviation, coefficient of vari-
ation, several extreme percentiles (1%, 5%,
10%, 90%, 95%, 99%). It is also useful to
show some graphical presentations of the
computed model outputs, like histograms
and cumulative probability distributions. All
these techniques have been applied in sev-
eral quantitative risk assessments (e.g. Koch
et al
., 2009; Peterson
et al
., 2009). When the
model includes several output variables, it is
useful to analyse the relationships between
these variables by drawing scatter plots or
by computing correlation coefficients.
3.4. Step (iv). Computation of sensitivity
Sensitivity of model output to an un-
certain factor is commonly studied by us-
ing simple graphical presentation of model
model inputs (e.g. Koch
et al
2009; Giovanelli
et al
., 2010). This approach is
useful but not sufficient to assess and com-
pare the influence of the different input fac-
tors in a quantitative way. It is recommend-
ed to compute sensitivity indices for all the
uncertain factors in order to rank these fac-
tors according to their influence on the out-
A sensitivity index is a measure of the in-
fluence of an uncertain factor on a model
output variable. Factors whose values have
a strong effect on the model are character-
ized by high sensitivity indices. Non-influen-
tial factors are characterized by low sensi-
tivity indices. Sensitivity indices can thus be
used to rank uncertain factors and identify
those which should be measured or estimat-
ed more accurately.
A great diversity of sensitivity indices
has been proposed (e.g. Saltelli
et al
., 2000).
In local SA, sensitivity indices are based on
derivative calculation and correspond to the
slopes of the model output in the input fac-
tor space at a given set of values. In global
SA, sensitivity indices can be computed us-
ing a variety of techniques like ANOVA, cor-
relation between input factors and model
outputs, Fourier series, Monte Carlo simu-
lations, etc. (Saltelli
et al
., 2000). Sensitivity
indices can be computed using statistical
software (e.g. the package sensitivity of the
statistical software R
or more specialized software, such as Simlab
/), @Risk, or
Crystal ball. Examples of calculation of ANO-
VA-based sensitivity indices in quantitative
pest risk assessment can be found in EFSA
(2008b). Examples of correlation-based sen-
sitivity indices are provided in the case study
presented at the end of this paper.
3.5. Specific methods for analysing un-
certainty in model equations
Many models are now available for es-
timating risk of entry, establishment, and
spread. In some cases, it is difficult to choose
the most appropriate model for a given
question. For example, five different models
were used to map invasive species distribu-
tion by Roura-Pascual
et al
. (2009) and these
models led to different predictions generat-
ing uncertainty about the potential distribu-
tional area.
Two approaches have been proposed to
deal with this uncertainty, model compari-
son and model mixing. The latter approach
is also called consensual predictions or en-
semble forecasting. Model comparison aims
at assessing several candidate models in or-
der to select the model with the best predic-
tive performance. Several criteria have been
proposed to assess models for predicting in-
vasion (e.g. Smith
et al
., 1999; Townsend Pe-
et al
., 2008) and the most popular
criterion is probably the area under the Re-
ceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve,
which measures the ability of models to dis-
criminate presence and absence locations.