© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
56 h, the 10% percentile was equal to 43.9 h
and the 90% percentile was equal 128.7 h.
The high coefficient of variation of the dis-
tribution of
(47%) and the large differ-
ence between the 10% and 90% percentiles
showed that a moderate uncertainty on pa-
rameter values (±20% around the estimated
values) can induce a large uncertainty about
wetness duration requirement for infection.
In order to identify the main sources of
uncertainty, sensitivity indices were com-
puted for the five model parameters for sev-
eral temperatures
. Sensitivity of the model
to parameter values were mea-
sured by calculating correlations between
and parameter values using the 10,000
Monte Carlo simulations. Results are shown
in Figure 2 for all parameters in function of
. A correlation close to +1 or -1 indicates a
strong influence of the parameter on the
model output. A correlation close to zero in-
dicates that the parameter is not influential.
More sophisticated sensitivity indices could
had been computed (Saltelli
et al
., 2000), but
correlation-based indices were considered
here because of their simplicity and intui-
tive interpretation.
Figure 2 showed that correlation be-
Figure 2.
Sensitivity indices for the five model parameters in function of the temperature. Sensitivity indices correspond
to correlations between parameter values and wetness duration requirement estimated from 10,000 Monte Carlo simula-