© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Pesticides in cereal-based baby foods
According to Document SANCO/3131/2007
of the European Commission, the potential
for matrix effects should be assessed dur-
ing the validation of the method (5). The ef-
fect can be due to different reasons e.g. the
presence of a blank, due to solvent and/or
reagents or the presence of a compound in
the sample that contributes to the analyti-
cal signal (7). Matrix-induced enhancement
is a phenomenon commonly found in gas
chromatographic analysis of pesticides in
food (5) and has been noticed in the anal-
ysis of these compounds by either GC-ECD
(11) or GC-NPD (5). For this purpose, matrix-
matched standard solutions (including ma-
trix blanks) were used. An aliquot of
2ml of
control sample extracts were evaporated to
dryness by a stream of N
. After evaporation
1 ml of a standard solution at the desired
concentration prepared in 2,2,4-trimethyl-
pentane/toluene (90/10) was added. The fi-
nal solution was reconstructed in an ultra-
sonic bath for 30 sec.
Preparation of fortified samples
Control samples were prepared from
organically produced cereal-based in-
fant food. Aliquots of 5 g portion of cere-
al-based infant food sample were fortified
at two levels. The lowest fortification lev-
el was 3 μg/kg and the second fortification
level was 10 times higher (30 μg/kg). For
validating the method according to SANCO
2007/3131, a minimum of five replicates is re-
quired. Therefore, five replicates were used
for each level.
Sample preparation
For the extraction of the pesticides, the
protocol of QuEChERS method concerning
commodities with high fat content was fol-
lowed (2, 3). According to this method, a 5 g
portion of the cereal-based infant food was
weighted in a 50 ml PTFE centrifuge tube,
and 10 ml of water were added. The water
should be at low temperature (< 4
C) to com-
pensate for the heat development caused
by the addition of the salts that follows. A
short vibration using a Vortex mixer (K-550-
GE, Scientific industries inc. Bohemia, USA)
helped to disperse solvent and pesticides
well through the sample. For the extraction
of the pesticides, 10 ml of acetonitrile were
added and the tube was vigorously shak-
en for 1min. A mixture of 1 g of NaCl, 4 g of
, 1 g of trisodium citrate dehydrate
and 1 g of disodium hydrogencitrate sesqui-
hydrate were added and the tube was vigor-
ously shaken for 1 or more minutes to pre-
vent coagulation of MgSO
. The sample was
then centrifuged (4000 rpm) for 5 min. An al-
iquot of 8 ml of the supernatant (acetonitrile
phase) was then taken and transferred into a
15 ml centrifuge tube and stored for at least
2 h in the freezer. Freezing-out helps to part-
ly remove some additional co-extractives
with limited solubility in acetonitrile, while
the major part of fat and waxes solidify and
precipitate. An aliquot of 6 ml of the still
cold acetonitrile phase was transferred into
a 15 ml centrifuge tube containing 250 mg
of PSA and 750 mg of MgSO
and the tube
was shaken vigorously for 30 sec and cen-
trifuged for 5 min at 4000 rpm. An aliquot
of 5 ml of the cleaned-up extract was trans-
ferred into a screw cup storage vial, taking
care to avoid sorbent particles of being car-
ried over. The extract was slightly acidified
by adding 50 μl of a 5% formic acid solution
in acetonitrile. An aliquot of 2 ml of the ex-
tract was obtained, evaporated near dry-
ness and reconstituted in 1 ml of 2,2,4-tri-
methylpentane/toluene (90/10). The final
extract was sonicated in an ultrasonic bath
for 30 sec and transferred into autosampler
vials with a Teflon stopper.
Gas-chromatographic analysis
Determination was performed by the
use of an Agilent 6890
gas chromatograph,
with two splitless injectors,
a DB-5-MS col-
umn (30 m, 0.32 mm i.d. and 0.25 μm film
thickness) connected to the ECD and a DB-
17 MS column (30 m, 0.3 mm i.d. and 0.25
μm film thickness) connected to the NPD
and equipped with a Chemstation chro-
matography manager data acquisition and
processing software. For confirmation pur-
poses the two columns were swapped be-
tween the two detectors.
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