© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
combined with an ECD, or a DB-5-MS col-
umn and a DB-17 MS column each of them
combined with a NPD, or a DB-5-MS column
combined with an ECD and a DB-17 MS col-
umn combined with a NPD, or a DB-5-MS
column combined with a NPD and a DB-17
MS column combined with an ECD. Howev-
er, the quantification of fensulfothion sul-
fone must be done with a NPD detector. The
experiments for recovery of the analytes
fensulfothion-oxon and terdufos sulfoxide
failed at the lowest fortification level and for
omethoate failed at both levels.
Limit of Quantification (LOQ)
The limit of quantification (LOQ) was es-
tablished as the lowest concentration tested
for which recovery and precision were sat-
isfactory (70–110% and <20% RSD, respec-
tively) in accordance with the criteria es-
tablished for analysis of pesticide residues
in foods (4). Therefore, in most cases the
method’s limit of quantification (LOQ) was
the lowest fortification level, i.e. 3 μg/kg.
In the present study, 25 target pesticides
and metabolites, selected according to the
European Union Directives 2006/141 and
2006/125, were studied in cereal-based baby
foods. The extraction procedure was based
on the QuEChERS method and the deter-
mination was performed with GC–ECD and
NPD. The validation results presented good
accuracy with recoveries of 79.2 – 124.6%,
precision with RSD of 3.4 - 28% and limits of
quantification meeting the EU legislation re-
quirements for the maximum residue lim-
its. Concerning the reporting of the results,
from the data of the EU proficiency tests, a
default expanded uncertainty figure of 50%
(corresponding to a 95% confidence level
and a coverage factor of 2), in general cov-
ers the inter-laboratory variability between
the laboratories for residue analysis (5).
The disadvantage of the method was
that fensulfothion-oxon and terdufos sul-
foxide failed to be determined at the 3 μg/
is the number of the data points in the cal-
ibration, (
- y
) is the residual for the i
is the slope of the regression line. The
contribution of the uncertainty of the cali-
bration curve to the total uncertainty of
the method was calculated at the middle
(C=15 μg/l) of the calibration curve for each
compound and was estimated to be 3.8 –
Trueness, precision
The trueness was estimated by calculat-
ing the attained recovery from fortification
experiments. For validating a method, mean
recoveries of 70–120% with a repeatability
RSD ≤ 20% are considered acceptable, while
in routine analysis, the acceptable recover-
ies are in the range of the mean recovery ±2
relative standard deviations (SDr) %, which
usually fall within the range 60-140% (4).
The mean recoveries were determined from
spiked flour samples, at two concentration
levels with five replicates for each level.
The recoveries were calculated using
matrix-matched calibration standards.
shown in Table 3, mean recoveries of the
samples fortified at the lowest fortification
level (3 μg/kg) were between 79.2 – 124.6%
with SDr less than 17.2% with some excep-
tions, as shown in Table 3 and at the second
fortification level (30 μg/kg) between 68.2
– 118.1% with SDr less than 23.9%. These re-
sults indicate generally good method accu-
racy and precision.
Dimethoate, fensulfothion sulfone, fen-
sulfothion-oxon-sulfone and terbufos-sul-
fone are sensitive to both detectors and the
qualification can be achieved by both ECD
and NPD at the lowest fortification level.
However, the mean recoveries are accepta-
ble only by one of the detectors. Therefore,
we can use both detectors for confirmation,
but for quantification of the analyte we can
use only the detector that provides good ac-
curacy. For example, fensulfothion sulfone
can be confirmed with a DB-5-MS column
combined with an ECD and a NPD detec-
tor, or a DB-17 MS column combined with an
ECD and a NPD detector, or a DB-5-MS col-
umn and a DB-17 MS column each of them