© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
Control of
Meloidogyne javanica
with N-containing salts on tomato
cient than nitrate.
Meloidogyne incogni-
resistant tomato cultivar ‘VFN-8’ and the
moderately susceptible one ‘Rutgers’ grew
better when ammonium nitrate was com-
pared to the control. Ammonium could re-
duce nematode numbers less than nitrate in
the resistant cultivar (Melakeberhan, 1998).
The orientation of juveniles of
M. incognita
was induced by the constitutive salt cation
e.g. calcium salts had no effect while other
salts, especially those with ammonium were
strongly nematode repellent (Le Saux and
Queneherve, 2002).
Compared with the nitrogen containing
salts, NaCl affected tomato growth due its
salinity effect, therefore it cannot be used
for controlling the disease when irrigation
water is a limiting factor.
No phytotoxicity was observed when ni-
trogen containing salts were applied at all
EC levels which complies with previous re-
ports that indicate induced phytotoxicity by
some nitrogen containing salts (Rodríguez-
Kabana, 1986), although this was considered
a dose-dependent issue.
The combination of nitrogen contain-
ing salts with other control measures e.g.
soil-solarization may increase their efficacy
on the control of root-knot nematode (Mc-
Sorley and McGovern, 2000). The manage-
ment of
M. incognita
was improved when
soil-solarization was combined with ammo-
nium phosphate or composted chicken litter
(Gamliel and Stapleton, 1993) while the ef-
fect of solarization was not enhanced by the
combination with ammonium amendments,
except for one instance where application of
ammonium bicarbonate or (NH
ed in lower numbers of
Belonolaimus longi-
than in the unamended control
(McSorley and McGovern, 2000). Moreover,
et al.
, (2007) reported that soil applica-
tion of ammonium sulfate in combination
with Neem extract significantly reduced root
galling caused by
M. javanica
. Therefore, the
use of (NH
and NH
Cl alone or in com-
bination with other control measures e.g. or-
ganic amendments and/or soil solarization
could improve the management of
M. javan-
This work is part of a research project financial-
ly supported by the Scientific Research Support
Fund of Jordan and coordinated by the Scien-
tific Research Deanship of Mutah University,
Karak, Jordan.
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