Phytophthora primulae
The length-breadth ratio varied from 1.3
to 2.4:1 (average 1.8:1). Sporangia consist-
ed of spherical or irregularly shaped seg-
ments with structures in chain fashion,
following the formation of septa at the
constrictions or delimitationof the sporan-
giophore, were also abundant in the cul-
tures (Fig. 2A, B, C). The protoplasmic con-
tents were often passed to the terminal
development, while the other segments
were empty (Fig. 2B, C). They measured 85-
390 x 7-45 μm. Tomlinson (18) called these
segmented bodies “compound sporan-
gia”. The isolates were omothallic, forming
oogonia abundantly on CMA, terminally
or laterally, 27-48 (average 37.5) μm in di-
ameter. Antheridia were mostly paragy-
nous, diclinous, often two per oogonium
and occasionally amphigynous, while the
young oospores were hyaline, average 32
μm in diameter (Fig.3). The maximum tem-
perature for mycelial growth was 26
The morphological and physiological
characteristics of the causal microorganism
were consistent with the published descrip-
tions of
Phytophthora primulae
(16, 18).
RFLP analysis and PCR sequencing
All isolates yielded an equal size frag-
ment (~900 bp) when amplified with prim-
ers ITS6 and ITS4. Identical digestion pat-
terns were generated by BPIC1989 (
P. porri
and P1 (
P. primulae
) isolates which had been
Fig. 1.
Coiled hyphae of
Phytophthora primulae
from parsley.
Fig. 2.
Sporangia of
Phytophthora primulae
from parsley on soil extract A: compound sporangium with pronounced
constrictions B: sporangia and compound sporangium. C: compound sporangium, the protoplasmic contents were
passed to the terminal development of the sporangium.
Fig. 3.
Oogonium and oospores with paragynous antheridia, of
Phytophthora primulae
from parsley on corn meal
agar A: immature oogonium B: mature oospore. C: mature oospore with two antheridia.