© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
The overall body shape of female adults
C. hesperidum
is symmetrically oval,
dome-like, and 1/8 to 1/6 inch long. They
are pale yellowish brown to greenish and
flecked with irregular brown spots. Over-
all colour darkens as the insect ages (17).
Adult females are ovoviviparous, produc-
ing nymphs that hatch from eggs with-
in several hours after these are laid (1). Five
to 19 eggs are laid per day over a series of
30-65 days by the adult female and each
female lays 80-250 eggs in her life time (4).
The young nymphs, born within the adult
female, remain in her brood chamber for a
few hours before starting to disperse (dis-
persive crawlers). The crawlers search un-
til they find a suitable spot to feed from the
plant and then settle. There are three nym-
para o estudo do
Coccus hesperidum
L. II. Subsi-
dios para o estudo da sua biologia e ecologia.
50: 53-93; 51: 38-51; 51: 161-173; 52: 19-
Chiang, L.C., Ng, L.T., Cheng, P.W., Chiang, W.
and Lin, C.C. 2005. Antiviral activities of extracts
and selected pure constituents of
Ocimum ba-
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology
and Physiology
, 32: 811–816.
Copland, M.J.W. and Ibrahim, A.G. 1985. Biolo-
gy of Glasshouse Scale Insects and Their Para-
sitoids. pp 87-90. In:
Biological Pest Control The
Glasshouse Experience.
Eds. N. W. Hussey and N.
Scopes. Cornell University Press; Ithaca, New
de Almeida, I., Alviano, D.S. and Vieira, D.P. 2007.
Antigiardial activity of
Ocimum basilicum
tial oil.
Parasitology Research,
101: 443–452.
phal instars, before the scale reaches adult-
hood. The second and third nymphal instars
are distinguished by the size of the scale.
The development time is about two months
at cool temperatures (1).
Coccus hesperidum
, like other soft scales,
feeds from the phloem of the host plant
and on sweet basil it was found mainly on
the stems (Figure 1) and also the leaves (Fig-
ure 2) in 20% of the infested organic culture.
The population densit
C. hesperidum
O. basilicum
peaked in summer, particularly
from June to September.
In general, heavy infestations by the
brown soft scale cause development of
sooty mould on host-plant surfaces, some-
times resulting in defoliation.
Literature cited
Annecke, D.P. 1959. The Effect of Parathion and
Ants on
L. (Coccidae: Homop-
tera) and its Natural Enemies.
Journal of the En-
tomological Society of South Africa
, 22: 245-274.
Argyriou, L.C. 1983. Faunal analysis of some
scale insects in Greece.
Proceedings of the 10th
International Symposium of Central European En-
, Budapest, 15-20 August 1983
Bozin, B., Mimica-Dukic, N., Simin, N. and Anack-
ov, G. 2006. Characterization of the volatile
composition of essential oils of some lamiace-
ae spices and the antimicrobial and antioxidant
activities of the entire oils.
Journal of Agricultur-
al and Food Chemistry
, 54: 1822–1828.
Cancela da Fonseca, J. 1954-1956. Contribuicao
Figure 2.
Coccus hesperidum
feeding on leaf of
Ocimum ba-
Figure 1.
Coccus hesperidum
feeding on stem of
Ocimum ba-
1...,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 26,27,28,29,30,31