© Benaki Phytopathological Institute
et al.
digestive glands (< 0.2 g) were abstracted
from the animal and cut in small pieces with
surgical scissors. The pieces were gently dis-
aggregated in HEPES-NaOH buffered saline
(10 mL) and agitated on a rocking platform
(Innova2000, Brunswick Scientific) on ice for
2 h. Every 30 min aliquots of cell suspension
(2 mL) were taken out and replaced with
new HEPES-NaOH buffered saline. All the
aliquots from the same animal were final-
ly pooled (8 mL). After centrifugation a frac-
tion of the pellet was rediluted in saline (100
μL) and kept on ice until further processing.
The preparations provided whole and single
cells with negligible additional damage.
Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis on mus-
sel tissue (Comet assay)
A fraction of the cell suspension (15 μl)
was mixed with 150 μL low melting point
agarose. The mixture was spread on an aga-
rose-precoated slide and lowered in lysis
buffer (NaCl 2.5M, Na
EDTA 0.1M, Tris base 10
mM, Triton-X 1% v/v and DMSO 10% v/v, pH
10.0) for 1 h at 4º C in the dark. Two slides per
animal were prepared. The slides were then
rinsed in distilled water (1mL/slide) and left
in electrophoresis buffer (pH 13.0) in a hor-
izontal electrophoresis tank (Cleaver Scien-
tific, Ltd) for 30 min. The slides were subse-
quently subjected to electrophoresis at 25 V
for 20 min, neutralised with Tris buffer (Tris
0.4M, pH 7.5) and stained with propidium io-
dide (2.5 μg/mL) (Research Organics, Cleve-
land, USA). Each slide was analyzed using a
fluorescent microscope (Zeiss AxioCamMRC,
Carl Zeiss Inc., Germany) at 200 x magnifica-
tion, with an excitation filter of 515-560 nm
and a barrier filter of 590 nm and scored us-
ing an image analysis package (TriTekCom-
). 40 randomly selected nucleoids
were analyzed per slide in two slides so that
a total of 80 cells (per animal) were scored.
Modified Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis
(Comet coupled with formamidopyrimi-
dine glycosylase)
The procedure was as described in 2.6
with the exception that, after lysis and be-
fore unwinding in high pH buffer, the slides
were rinsed 3 times in 1mL of Fpg buffer (KCl
0.1M, HEPES 40 mM, Na
EDTA 0.5mM, bovine
serum albumin 0.2 mg/mL, pH 8.0) each.
Four slides per animal were prepared. One
slide per pair was incubated with one unit of
Fpg enzyme (AMS Biotechnology, UK) in Fpg
buffer (50 μL) for 1 h as described by Collins
et al.
(14). The remaining slide of each pair
was incubated with 50 μL Fpg buffer only. 80
randomly selected nucleoids were analyzed
from the non-Fpg incubated slides and 80
randomly selected nucleoids were analyzed
from the Fpg incubated slides. A total of 160
cells were scored. The net difference (Fpg-in-
cubated minus non Fpg-incubated) is pro-
portional to oxidative DNA damage.
Modified Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis
(Halo assay)
The procedure was run as described in
2.6 with the complete omission of the elec-
trophoresis step. A positive apoptosis con-
trol was co-evaluated: staurosporine (Sig-
ma-Aldrich) was diluted in DMSO to a final
concentration of 1 μΜ (26) and was injected
(100 μL) in the adductor muscle directly be-
low the mantle of two individuals. The ani-
mals were returned to a plastic aquarium of
1 L and sacrificed 4 h post-injection. Select-
ed tissues were collected and processed to-
gether with the thiram samples. 50 random-
ly selected nucleoids were checked per slide
in two slides so that a total of 100 cells per
animal were scored. The percentage of char-
acteristic halo images of apoptotic cells (39)
was calculated.
Statistical Analysis
Differences between groups for SSB
were assessed using the parameter %DNA in
tail. Normality of data was tested by the Sha-
-test. Since data did not follow a
Gaussian distribution median values were
used for each set of cells (16). Data were an-
alyzed by 2-way ANOVA. Means were sep-
arated by Tukey’s HSD test (α=0.05). Differ-
ences between groups for % Fpg sensitive
sites and for % apoptotic cells were assessed
by Student’s
-test. Analyses were conduct-
ed using the statistical package JMP.